In Asian countries treatments are applied as often as needed, sometimes once or twice per day, until the person is cured. However, in the U.S. we usually give treatments once or twice per week to make it more affordable, but sometimes treatments are needed three or more times per week especially at the beginning. The effect of acupuncture treatments lasts only a few days, and then it slowly wares out. If you have an acute condition, it is very important to get the treatments as often as possible until your condition is resolved. If you have an addiction, you will need the treatments every day for a few weeks.
In both chronic and acute conditions, it is important to get the treatments on a regular basis especially at the beginning of treatment to give the body a chance to recuperate its balance before the effect of the treatment wares out. Normally, for chronic illnesses acupuncture treatments are given by cycles of 10-12 treatments, with one week rest in between. The amount of cycles needed for your body to recuperate balance depends on your unique constitution.
Depending on your condition you may be asked to come two or three times per week for a few weeks. Then we will begin to separate treatments to once per week, once every two weeks, and once per month, until you have completely restored your energetic balance and feel you have achieved your maximum well-being.
If you have an illness, it did not develop overnight unless it is an acute condition. Likewise, it takes the body time to recuperate its balance and to heal. If you are serious about your health and recuperation, please make an effort to comply with the course of treatment.
If your problem is not a chronic condition, a few treatments may be enough. At AcuBalance Center I will not keep you coming to treatments if you do not need them. However, I will recommend periodic treatments to maintain optimal health depending on your age and condition.