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AcuBalance Center of Houston

Acupuncture & Herbs Healthcare Clinic, where ancient Oriental Medicine meets modern technology.

The Mind-Body Connection on Back Pain and Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Substance Abuse, and Stress

Today I came across a very interesting article about back pain. It is interesting not only as a health provider, but because I also suffer for back pain. It was no surprise to me to read about how it may have its roots in psychological disorders and stress. In essence, it gives some facts I want to share with you, and if you are interested in the mind-body connection, there are lots of fascinating articles and studies in the internet on this topic. Some that seemed interesting were writings from Shannon Harvey, Louise Hay, Deb Shapiro, Moises Velasquez-Manoff (When the body attacks the mind), Juan David Nasio (Los Gritos del Cuerpo), and many other authors who have written in the topic either from a physical or a psychological standpoint.

The article I am going to refer about was written by researchers in Angelia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK The researchers investigated low to middle income subjects with back pain in 43 different countries. They found that in those countries, back pain affected 35.1% of the population. One may think this is understandable, given that it involves the working class population, and they may have physically straining jobs.

What is striking is that those who had back pain were 2 times more likely than people without back pain to experience anxiety, depression, psychosis, stress, and sleep deprivation. Furthermore, people with chronic back pain were 3 times more likely to also experience a depressive episode, and 2.6 times more likely to experience psychosis.

In another study from the Hospital for Special Surgery in NY City, the investigators found that adults with spinal deformities showed that 36.5% also suffered from psychological disorders. Older adults (55-74 years of age) more often suffered from anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders, whereas younger adults more often suffered from substance abuse. In conclusion, the study showed that one in three adults with spinal deformities also show at least one psychological disorder.

Both articles suggest that the link between these physical and psychological conditions has not been extensively investigated. There’s arguments on both sides. In other words, we still don’t know which condition came first. However, for us, as part of the population of people who suffer from chronic back pain, it is evident that we need treatment from any of these conditions sooner than later before it gets to where we have no choice but to get surgery of the spine, and/or tons of psychotropic medications with their inevitable side effects.

If you are one of those people who have chronic back pain and/or anxiety, depression or insomnia, make an appointment today at to get treatments and relief from physical and/or psychological pain.

The pain game: The connection between chronic pain and psychological illness by Nancy Gahles, DC, CCH, RSHom(NA), OIM
Back pain may raise risk of mental health problems in low- and middle-income countries General Hospital Psychiatry 6th December 2016 209
Your Body and Mind Relationship, Revealed. By Ed and Deb Shapiro
Los Gritos Del Cuerpo. By Juan David Nasio.

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Foods that Prevent Allergies

I found this article today and thought it might help some of you. It’s always good to know some home care and preventive remedies.


Taking an antihistamine isn’t the only way to battle fall allergies. If seasonal sneezes — not to mention a runny nose, watery eyes and congestion — are making you miserable, there are some foods that might ease your pain.

Just know that none of these noshes replace traditional allergy treatments. “[They] have anti-allergic properties … [but] none of these can be used in place of medications in patients who have severe allergies,” Talal M. Nsouli, M.D., a clinical professor of pediatrics and allergy-immunology at the Georgetown University School of Medicine and spokesperson for the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, told

But certain foods can help, which can be key for your health.

Fatty Fish
DHA and EPA, two types of healthy omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish and other sources, have been known to ease allergy symptoms. “If we eat foods that contains these omega-3 fatty acids, the EPA and the DHA, [there’s] an anti-allergic property [and] decreasing of the allergic reaction … to a certain extent,” Dr. Nsouli said.

Eating your omega-3s — as opposed to taking a supplement — is the best way to go about it, as numerous studies have shown that the health benefits of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats are most effective — or even only effective — in food form.

Mackerel, salmon, sardines, trout, tuna, bluefish and herring are all great sources of omega-3s, Dr. Nsouli said. “However, one has to be careful because it has been shown that fish may contain mercury,” he said. For that reason, reach for fish that’s wild, not farmed, whenever possible, he suggested, in line with studies from the early 2000s that found higher levels of toxins in farmed U.S. fish than wild. (Although now, the scientific consensus is the health benefits of fish outweigh any potential risks.)

Plant sources of omega-3
Walnuts and Flaxseeds
Certain tree nuts, such as walnuts and flaxseeds, also contain omega-3 fatty acids; however, plants contain the ALA chain, which simply facilitates the production of EPA and DHA in your body. “One can eat one handful of walnuts, for example, this could be [equal to] about 3 to 3.5 ounces of salmon,” Dr. Nsouli said. (Although, in a perfect world, you’d eat both fish and tree nuts twice a week or so.)
Flaxseeds also contain selenium, a mineral that can help reduce an allergic response

An essential antioxidant
Broccoli, Cabbage and More
Quercetin, a flavonoid found in some foods, is believed to help reduce the inflammation associated with allergies. The thought is that it prevents immune cells from releasing histamines, or an allergic response.

Apples, onions, berries, cabbage, cauliflower and tea all contain quercetin

Fruits to reach for
Oranges, Peppers and Strawberries
Vitamin C is thought to help control allergy symptoms; like omega-3s, it’s best to get your C from foods, not supplements. Oranges, red peppers and strawberries are some of the fresh fruits best known for their vitamin C content. It’s also in broccoli and other foods that contain quercetin.

“Taking a vitamin tablets might not be as effective as having one or two oranges [or other vitamin C-containing foods] per day,”

“Having the vitamins in the foods that you eat is much more effective than saying, ‘OK, I’m going to take a multivitamin, end of story.’ It’s very important to focus on the foods that are fresh.”

Recently, a study — the most rigorous to date — demonstrated that garlic extract can help decrease an allergic reaction and can help prevent allergy by blocking the production of the chemicals that cause allergic reactions, Dr. Nsouli said.
Any recommendation for how much garlic to eat for allergies is at this point an educated guess, but Dr. Nsouli said two to three times a week might be enough to help. Garlic supplements are also available, but as with other foods, the health benefits are best when the plant is eaten directly

Some research has found that the probiotics, or bacteria, contained in yogurt reduce allergic reactions to pollen, helping the symptoms of allergic reactions in children Dr. Hakimi said it’s because these probiotics help decrease the body’s immune response to allergens, reducing inflammation in the body. Digestive enzymes can also help, he said.
But some individuals have reported issues with allergies and dairy products. If you think dairy might be a problem, try an “elimination challenge” test. Go off all dairy products for two weeks to see how you feel, then add in two or three portions of dairy a day for two weeks, and compare how you feel. During this process, it’s also important to check in with an allergist to confirm what’s bothering you, and explore other treatment plans.

Another spice
A native Indian spice found in curry and other dishes, is known to have a powerful anti-inflammatory response. You can spice your food with this brightly colored powder, or take supplements — it just depends on what works with your lifestyle.

An essential mineral
Foods rich in magnesium are believed to help control allergies. But it also opens up and relaxes the muscles, which can be beneficial as well.
High-magnesium foods include cashew nuts, wheat bran and kelp.


Thanks for reading. I hope it helps.


Emma McKenzie, L.Ac.

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Acupuncture for Weight Loss is Safe and Effective

Hi, here is another article that I found which follows my own line of work and  methods of treating problems with overweight. 

Acupuncture for weight loss is a very effective treatment. As most people go on a diet at some point in their life to lose weight, and ultimately fail to either lose or keep the weight off, I offer auricular acupuncture treatments an alternative method to lose weight that is both safe and produces results.

What Causes Obesity or Overweight?
1. Over Eating: Eating too much food is the number one contributor.
2. Lack of Physical Activity: Exercise, or at least some type of daily strenuous activity, is absolutely essential to ward off extra weight.
3. Unhealthy Foods: Most of us know what unhealthy foods are vs. healthy foods. The general rule is to east fresh foods and not prepackaged processed foods.
4. Lack of Sleep: Not getting sufficient sleep is a contributor.
5. Heredity: The genes you were born with and your family history are markers for whether you are predisposed to becoming overweight and possibly obese.
6. Medical Conditions: Some diseases can cause a person to become overweight. These include hypothyroidism, Cushing syndrome and polycystic ovary syndrome.
7. Prescription Drugs: Some medicines such as Prednisone and antidepressants such as Elavil and Neurontin may cause weight gain.
8. Emotional Factors:  Depression, anger and stress can make people overeat.
9. Age: As people age, they tend to lose muscle, especially if they become less active. Muscle loss slows down our metabolism.
10. Pregnancy: While it is normal to gain weight during pregnancy, many women retain this even after the baby is born due to lack of activity and increased calorie intake.

Becoming overweight can be the consequence of various medical conditions. This includes hypertension, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis.
There are two well known medications prescribed by doctors. One is Meridia, which curbs the appetite. The other is Xenical, which reduces the absorption of fat & calories as well as Vitamin A, K and D.
Both medications have unwanted side-effects. Merida can cause hypertension and irregular heartbeat. Xenical can cause diarrhoea and osteoporosis.
Another option recommended by some doctors is surgical procedures. Weight loss surgery is called bariatric surgery and includes gastric bypass to gastric banding. These surgeries are very costly and can be risky.
Nowadays more and more people are considering acupuncture for weight loss as the results are very promising when performed by a well trained and certified traditional Chinese medicine doctor.
When it comes to treating obesity with Chinese medicine, I will first rule out any severe medical conditions that could potentially hurt my patient if they do not obtain immediate medical help (e.g. uncontrollable high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes, severe lung diseases, hypothyroidism, etc.). Then I will confirm that the patient is ready to start my program which means they will need to strictly follow the instructions for treatment, diet and exercise.

Auricular Acupuncture
Auricular acupuncture to lose weight is the key. I chose the points of hunger and mouth which are the most efficient points for deceasing the appetite. Some other points are spleen, stomach, liver, small intestine, endocrine system and Sheng Meng (known as “Spirit gate”). These points can inhibit stomach activity, slow the absorption of nutrition from food in the stomach and small intestine, improve energy and decrease stress, anxiety and depression.  I will use ear seeds (herbal seeds or magnet seeds) in place of needles for those who fear needles. Generally speaking, they have the same effect. Patients should press the ear needles to ease their craving for food when they feel hungry.

Chinese Herbal Medicine for Weight Loss
Note: I will not use herbs to improve the bowel movement or loosen the bowel unless a patient suffers from constipation. And if I do use this type of herbs, this will only be used for a short term.
In my practice, I prefer to use liver cleansing herbs to curb feeling hungry (it always works for my patients) and improve sugar and fat metabolism. By strengthening spleen Qi, and regulating stomach Qi and intestine Qi, it will speed up the metabolism, remove water retention, eliminate the wastes from the body as well as enhance the energy. Weight loss starts from here and it is safe and efficient.

You either must eat less food or you must eat foods that reduce your calorie intake. For example, if you consume 4000 calories per day, then you should either set a goal of reducing the amount of food you eat by half, or substitute healthy foods that will reduce your calorie intake by half.
There are many programs offering to assist people through diet. I will just give a few tips on diet that could be practical for you.
Healthy and Good Breakfast: You may eat as much healthy food as you like for breakfast (within reason). You can consume some carbohydrates at breakfast without gaining weight. This meal will supply your whole morning’s energy.
Moderate Meal for Lunch: This is necessary to maintain energy for the afternoon. This meal should contain the most nutrients and contain easily digestible food with very little carbs. If after having lunch you feel sleepy and tired, it indicates spleen Qi weakness. This can be corrected by Chinese medicine easily.
Minimum Dinner or No Dinner: This is a magic point to loss weight if we can discipline ourselves to do it. Most people find out it is difficult to follow this point. So I will propose a few alternative ways to minimise your dinner. If you typically get home from work very late, you should have some healthy snack around 6 pm. When you get home, you are allowed to have soup with some vegetable. You can have protein at dinner with vegetables, but no carbs. Follow this for 4 or 5 days a week and at weekend you are allowed to have a full dinner with some carbs. But the dinner has to be earlier than 6 pm.
No Junk Food or Sugar, and Little Salt: Keep your alcohol consumption low and if you must drink, drink red wine. One glass of red wine 3 times a week is acceptable if you do not have a fatty liver. If any liver problems, alcohol is strictly forbidden.

Exercise Will Help Burn More Calories
Aerobic exercise and weight lifting are the best forms of exercise for weight loss. These will reshape your body and make you look great. Exercise should be done on a continuous basis (i.e. at least 4 times per week). Outdoor hiking and biking are also great ways to drop weight.

By Feng Liang, L.Ac.


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Acupuncture Weight Loss



Acupuncture is More Than “Being Stuck with a Bunch of Needles”
What comes to mind when you think about acupuncture. “Getting poked with lots of needles”? PAIN?

If so, then it may be a little confusing when I start talking about things like food, energy work, and exercise. When I say “acupuncture” I am referring to the whole treatment process that an acupuncturist (or more specifically, what I) would use if you came in to the clinic.

The word “acupuncture” so aptly encompasses everything to do with what we do as physicians of Chinese medicine, that no one says they are going to see their “Chinese medicine practitioner”. They say that they are going to see their “acupuncturist”.

This acupuncturist will use all the tools that she has in order to facilitate health and vitality within her patients. That means that some of my patients will go home wearing ear magnets and most will be put on a strict food plan. Not everyone gets stuck with needles.
And just what do I do? I utilize acupuncture and Chinese medicine to:
Trigger the body to self-heal
Improve digestion
Increase energy
Stop hunger
Stop cravings
Decrease Inflammation
Stop pain
Regulate hormones
Improve mood and help you to relax
So, even though not everyone “gets” needles, I call what I do “acupuncture” for weight loss….


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Acupuncture Alleviates Lower Back Pain & Inflammation

Acupuncture relieves lower back pain and restores range of motion. Independent research teams find acupuncture effective for treating lumbar disc herniations, lower back muscle spasms and sprains, and chronic pain of the lower back.

Research published in the Clinical Journal of Chinese Medicine by Yan et al. and by a separate team from the Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine independently confirm that acupuncture relieves lumbar sprains.  In addition, the Journal of Cervicodynia And Lumbodynia has published research from the Wulumuqi Central Hospital of Lanzhou by Xu et al. finding acupuncture effective for the alleviation of lower back muscle spasms. Research published in China Health Standard Management by Huang et al. finds acupuncture plus moxibustion effective for the treatment of lumbar disc herniations. Let’s take a look at how these teams achieved successful positive patient outcomes. 

Researchers from the People’s Hospital of Han Nan District in Wuhan (Huang et al.) document a 90% total effective rate for the treatment of lumbar disc herniations with acupuncture plus moxibustion treatments. Acupuncture as a standalone therapy without moxibustion had an 85% total effective rate. The total effective rate includes a significant reduction or elimination of lower back, waist, and leg pain. In addition, significant lumbar motor functional improvements and improved results with the straight leg test were calculated as part of the total effective rate. The researchers document that acupuncture plus moxibustion improves range of motion and reduces pain, inflammation, and edema.

Researchers from the Chengdu Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Liu et al.) conclude that acupuncture is effective for the alleviation of lower back pain. The researchers document an 87.1% total effective rate including improvements in neurological testing, range of motion, and reductions in pain frequency and intensity.
Acupuncture was applied once per day for five days followed by a two day break. The process was repeated three times for a total of four courses of care comprising a grand total of twenty acupuncture treatments. The researchers note that the 87.1% total effective rate included pain reduction, increased mobility, and the ability of patients to resume normal life and work activities.

Researchers from the Wulumuqi Central Hospital of Lanzhou (Xu et al.) conclude that acupuncture plus movement therapy alleviates muscle spasms of the lower back. Improvements include pain reduction, range of motion increases, and the ability to resume activities of daily living unencumbered by disability due to lumbar muscle spasms. Patients receiving acupuncture plus movement therapy had a 91.39% total effective rate. Patients receiving only acupuncture had a 70.70% total effective rate. As result, the researchers formally recommend acupuncture plus the addition of movement therapy for the purposes of achieving optimal clinical results…

The research of Sun et al. at the Hospital of Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine finds electroacupuncture effective for the alleviation of lumbar muscle strain. The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles used to determine the acupuncture point selection were to invigorate the circulation of both qi and blood. The results demonstrated a 93.3% total effective rate….The treatments yielded a 23.3% complete recovery rate. These patients had no recurrence of lower back pain and associated physical exhaustion within two years of acupuncture treatment sessions. An additional 70% of patients had significant improvements including reductions in lower back pain intensity levels, less frequency of subacute flare-ups, and overall reductions in physical exhaustion due to pain. Non-responders with intractable pain accounted for 6.7% of patients.
Electroacupuncture was applied….. Needle retention time was twenty minutes. Acupuncture was applied once per day, six days per week for a total of thirty days.
The 93.3% total effective rate demonstrates that local electroacupuncture is effective for the relief of lumbar muscle strain.

The aforementioned researchers have consistent findings demonstrating that acupuncture is effective for the relief of lower back pain in several different clinical scenarios. The findings demonstrate that the integration of acupuncture into conventional pain management protocols for the treatment of lower back pain is warranted.

Huang JH. (2015). Observations on the Efficacy of Warm Acupuncture in Treating 60 Patients With Lumbar Disc Herniation. China Health Standard Management. 6(3).
Wu ZD & Wu ZH. (2008). Chirurgery 7th Edition. Beijing: People’s Health Publisher. 849.
Liu XH, Fan XH, Zhong L, Dong YW, Wang YZ & Gao F. (2014). Therapeutic Observation of Pestle Acupuncture for Lumbago Due to Cold and Damp. Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion. 34(9).
Xu L. (2015). Clinical study of the acupuncture combined with movement therapy in the treatment of acute lumbar muscle spasm. The Journal of Cervicodynia And Lumbodynia. 36(1).
Zhu HZ. (2002). Needle scalpel medicinal principles. Beijing: People’s Health Publisher. 104-105, 202-204.
Yan DR. (2014). Treating lumbar sprain by acupuncture. Clinical Journal of Chinese Medicine. 6(16).’
Sun YZ, Zeng TT & Shang LL. (2014). 30 Cases of Chronic Lumbar Muscle Strain Treated with Penetration Needling at Yang Meridians of Back. Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion. 30(6).
An H. (2010). Research progress on TCM in treating lumbar muscle injury. Journal of Zhoukou Normal University. 27(5): 138-140.

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